Republic of Turkey
Karabuk University
Hasan Doğan School of Physical Education and Sports
Departments of Physical Education and Sports Teaching and Coaching Training
Directive for Special Talent Exam
Aim and Basis
Article 1:
Aim; these are the administrative criteria for accepting undergraduate students to Departments of Physical Education and Sports Teaching and Coaching Training of Hasan Doğan Vocational School. This directive includes instructions on how to make special talent exams, evaluate them, finalize and announcements of the results. Explanations of Special Talent Exam are made by an announcement each year.
Basis; This directive was prepared within the basis of KBU Associate Degree, Undergraduate Education Exam Directive.
Requirements for Accepting Candidates
Article 2:
These students can apply to Hasan Doğan Vocational School Special Talent Exam;
- Those who have the base points from the Exam carried out by the school
- Those who have access to other departments in Turkey but did not register
Announcement of the exam
Article 3:
Contingents, requirements, place and time of registration are announced at the Karabük University website.
Application Basics and Procedure
Article 4:
Registries are made at the exact time and place. Candidate cannot enter the exam without a legal proof of identity such as passport, ID or driving licence.
The following are requested in the pre-registry;
- The original and a copy of YGS exam of the relevant year. (Foreigners do not need to provide this result).
- High School diploma
- A legal paper stating the candidate is a graduate of “Sports” field of the high schools.
- 4,5 x6 cms sized photos taken in the last 6 months.
- Original and a copy of ID. (With TC ID number on it).
- For National Sportsmen, a proof of National Sportsmanship Document.
Basics for Registry;
- Application is made in person or by a relative of that person. Applications made by post are not accepted. Candidates came with the documents listed above. After copies are authorized the original documents are given back to the candidate.
- Giving incorrect information during or after the registration leads to the termination of studentship and other rights. Legal transaction follows.
Exam Commission
Article 5:
The university board assigns a commission for the exams.
Duties of the Exam Preparation Committee
Article 7:
Exam Preparation Committee
- Assigning and preparing the exam location
- Assigning personnel for the exam
- Preparing the exam locations physically
- Securing the exam and its evaluation
- Having all the responsibility of carrying out and marking the exams
Exam Jury
Article 8:
The jury should be at least 5 permanent and 3 associate members within academic staff. The jury can assign academic personnel from other institutions if needed.
The jury assigns the method of the exams and announces necessary explanations to the students. It has the full authority about the lengths and application style of the exams. The Committee does not take its place inside the jury.
Exam Types and Calculating the Grades
Article 9:
For the calculation of a candidates grade;
- OSYM Directory is taken as a basis
- For National Sportsmen there are regulations in OSYM directory as well.
- The candidates are sorted with their grades according to sexes and two times of the permanent winners are determined as substitutes.
- If there are empty contingents, the substitute list is used for accepting students in order.
The Application of the Special Talent Exam and Objections to the Results
Article 10:
The objections to the method of an exam should be made until the end of relevant session while objections to the results and lists should be made within the 5th workday of the announcements of the results.
Explanations about the Substitutes
Article 11:
For empty contingents, substitutes are registered in order of their success grade.
Cases without the Scope of the Directory
Article 12:
In cases where directory is insufficient 2547. Article of Higher Education Law which gives permission to the Senate of the university is applied. If cases occur in OSYM directory these are applied.
Article 13:
This directory is applied by the Rector
Article 14:
This directory is effective after its authorization by the senate.
Application place
Article 15:
Karabük Üniversitesi Hasan Doğan Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu Balıklarkayası Mevkii 78050 KARABÜK